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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Welcome to Early Years!


Teacher: Miss Steele

LSA: Miss Glenister

About Our Class:


In Reception, we aim to create a calm, nurturing environment where children feel safe and happy. While the children do receive an input on the carpet for their Phonics, Literacy and Maths learning, the majority of their learning takes place through continuous provision. Continuous provision allows the children to choose an activity, this provides a stimulus for rich and meaningful conversations between a child and an adult, expanding children's understanding and vocabulary.


In reception, there are seven key areas of learning, these are:

  1. Communication and language
  2. Personal, social and emotional development
  3. Physical development
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding the world
  7. Expressive art and design

What Are We Learning?


This term, we are learning about things that move. We will explore different means of transportation and understand why people use them. Thanks to West Wycombe Pre School we were able to see a helicopter land last half term, which was a fantastic start to our new topic.



Our focus text will be 'Whatever next', it is a story about a bear that travels into space by building his own rocket. We have of course, built our own rocket in our outdoor area for the term; this will give the children the opportunity to use their imagination to create their own space adventures. 




We use Phonics Shed to support our phonics lessons; we love meeting Puppet Joe each lesson and seeing what new character we will meet.


Reading books will be sent home each Thursday and are to be returned the following Monday or Tuesday.




In literacy, we will use Talk 4 writing to build a story map for 'Whatever next'. We will then move on to innovating the story, changing the character and the adventure and use this skill set to write our own space adventure story, having learnt about the adventure of the little bear.



We follow The White Rose Maths scheme. We will be developing our knowledge of 1-5 by looking at the concept of 0 and the numbers 6,7 and 8. We will also develop our knowledge of mass and capacity.

PE Information


Reception will have PE lessons on a Wednesday afternoon. Children should come to school in PE kit on a Wednesday so we are ready for our lesson.


We will do a range of activities to help us work together and learn our basic skills as well as understanding how exercise helps us to be healthy.

Reception's painting party
