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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust



Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) help children across Buckinghamshire who are experiencing mental health difficulties, and you as their parents / carers.


We offer your child opportunities to learn new skills to help them to help themselves. We may see children and young people for a short time with one professional involved, or help over a longer time, with input from more professionals.


Children and young people might be seen individually, with a you as family members, or in a group, depending on their individual needs. We offer evidence-based treatments, which have been tested to ensure that they work.

We will also treat children or young people in an emergency if they need help for a serious mental illness, like if they are feeling very low and have been thinking about harming themselves. We can offer you specific support as parents and carers regarding your child’s mental health.
