Ready, Respectful, Safe
Ready, Respectful, Safe
At West Wycombe School, we are committed to creating an environment where outstanding behaviour is at the heart of everything we do. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. We aim to be calm and consistent at all times in our dealing with children; this fits with the calm, quiet and productive working environment we aim to foster.
All staff, children, governors and parents recognise that we have the right to learn in a safe and trusting community in which effective learning can take place. As part of our commitment to this right, we are reviewing our behaviour policy and simplifying our school rules to enable all our children to embrace them.
Our new three key rules are:
We have discussed with our children what these words mean, how they can use these words to help them in school and what their behaviour may look like when they are ready, respectful and safe.
This is what they think:
We are READY to learn –
We arrive at school on time.
We have the correct uniform and PE kit.
We have our equipment ready.
We show that we are listening and our minds are ready to try our very best.
We listen when others speak and we respect the property of our friends and the school.
We respect that other people have different ideas, beliefs and backgrounds to our own.
We respect that people may look different and have different needs but we all feel the same emotions.
We respect the law and the rules of school and society.
We are SAFE –
We move around school in a safe manner.
We follow instructions to keep ourselves safe.
We use equipment safely.
We stay safe online and make safe choices in our community.
Page last updated: 25/04/24