What to do if someone is being abused
What can I do if someone else is being abused?
If you see someone else being abused, it is important that you help that person. You should never walk way and ignore the problem if you see someone else being abused, because the person might keep upsetting them. Tell an adult, such as a teacher, as soon as you’ve seen someone being abused. Adults can stop the abuse and make that person feel happy again. You should never feel scared to tell someone about someone being hurt or made to feel upset. Sometimes, you might not see someone being abused, but you might be worried about them. Or, you might think they are being abused by someone you don’t know, or someone they have told you about. It’s really important you tell someone even if you are worried, but haven’t seen any abuse.
What do I do if I am being abused?
The first thing you should do is tell someone you trust. This could be a family member, a friend or any adult in West Wycombe. If you feel scared or worried that they might hurt you, make sure you tell someone so they can help.
You should try not to:
• Do what the person says.
• Get angry or hit them.
Always remember that if you are being abused, it is not your fault and you are never alone. You shouldn’t be scared to talk to someone if you are being abused. If you talk to a grown-up, we can make the abuse stop.
Who can I talk to?
It is important you tell someone as soon as you are being abused, or you notice someone else being abused. Speaking to someone like your mum, dad, carer or an adult in school will mean that we can make sure the abuse stops and doesn’t happen again.
How can I stop abuse from happening?
We can all help stop abuse at our West Wycombe by: Making sure we understand how we should act towards others. Helping others when they are in need. Being kind, friendly and respectful to others. Thinking about people’s feelings before we say or do something.
Taking part in school activities, like assemblies, PSHE & SRE lessons and circle time, which talk about peer-on-peer abuse. Talking to someone when we are worried.
You should know that abuse is never OK and it is serious. It is not funny and will not be tolerated!