Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
Class teacher: Miss Bishop
About our class
This year, in year 3, we are all about building our skills and confidence in a fun and energetic way. We will be working together to achieve our goals and build our independence as we transition into key stage 2. We are all learning to love our ideas as they come and working as a team to make the most impact both in our school and within the community.
What are we learning?
As we move into the Spring Term, Year 3's learning is getting even better!
In English, we are reading two books; 'The Girl who Stole an Elephant' by Nizrana Farook (Spring 1) and 'The Iron Man' by Ted Hughes (Spring 2).
Our first story follows a young girl named Chaya, who lives in Sri Lanka. Chaya finds herself in a pretty difficult situation after making a few mistakes, however, finds her way out through the support of her friends and acknowledging her mistakes.
In Maths, we are finishing off the second half of our Multiplication and Division unit, before moving on to Length and Perimeter, Fractions and Mass and Capacity. Year 3 will be able to use their previously learned knowledge in Addition and Subtraction and Multiplication and Division to support them further in these units.
Our foundation subjects are also brimming with exciting topics. In Science, we are learning all about Materials, specifically looking at rocks and soil, the different ways we can classify them and how they are connected to the earth. In History, we are looking at the big question 'What did the ancient Egyptians believe?', which also links to our Art/DT unit looking at the Ancient Egyptian scrolls.
Year 3 are continuing to work hard, producing wonderful work throughout.
PE Information
Year 3 have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Please remember to come to school in your PE kit so that you are ready for the lesson.
Homework Information
Homework is handed out each Friday and are due back the following Wednesday. If you find your child is struggling with the homework, please let us know and we will find a way to support them.
The year 3 homework includes one piece of English and Spelling/Handwriting.
Maths homework is online on Times Table Rockstars.
Here is a fun website to learn your spellings:
Please encourage your child to READ as often as possible. Every read will be rewarded with Dojo/ House points. The more your child reads, it will enable them to implement their phonics knowledge and in turn will assist them to progress and become fluent readers.
Spring Timetable
Topic Web
Excellent websites / apps you can use at home
Non-urgent queries
Please send a message VIA Class Dojo
For urgent queries/ reporting your child as absent please contact the school office:
Best wishes,
Year 3
Page last updated: 20/11/23