How Does West Wycombe Keep Us Safe?
How does West Wycombe School work to keep you safe?
- Our teachers and LSAs provide a safe environment for you to learn
- Staff at our school know how to keep you and your friends safe: at home as well as school
- It is important for you to know where to get help if you are worried or unhappy about something.
- The staff tell you how to keep yourself, and others, safe.
- Teachers think it is very important for you to recognise risks in different situations.
- Our lessons include: PSHE, healthy eating, e-safety, road safety and assemblies.
- We are a school where everyone has the right to feel SAFE; the right to LEARN without undue distraction or disruption and the right to RESPECT.
- We think it is important for you to know where to get help if you are worried or unhappy about something.