Year 1
Welcome to Year 1!
Miss Hughes (Year 1 teacher)
Mrs Saliba (LSA)
Year One begins the children's journey into Key Stage One, so it's a very important year! We are committed and passionate about children's learning and development. Our aim is to ensure children have a smooth transition to Year One while building on their learning from Reception. We are very proud of our children and amazed by all that they have achieved so far.
In Year One, we love to read exciting stories. We want to foster a love of reading in every class and this is why we have lots of different books hand picked for the children to enjoy. Every day, after lunch and at the end of the school day children enjoy and listen to a story read by their teacher.
Your child will also visit the library every week and bring home a Phonics Shed Reading Book and a Reading for Pleasure book. Please ensure you read daily with your child so their reading and fluency can improve.
Our P.E. days will be every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
Homework is posted half-termly. There are certificates handed out at the end of every half term based on how many pieces of homework are completed:
1 = Bronze Certificate
2 = Silver Certificate
3 = Gold Certificate
4+ = Platinum Certificate
There will also be weekly English and Maths tasks to complete.
Non-urgent queries
Please send a message VIA Class Dojo if you need any general information.
If you have any general queries, please contact Mrs Withey in the office on 01494 523318 or by emailing
Urgent queries
You can email Mr Tang on to arrange a tour/ meeting.