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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 2

Welcome to
Year 2

Miss Suthakar (Year 2 Class Teacher)

Miss Nixon (LSA)




About Year 2:

In Year 2, we celebrate every individual and provide a safe environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging. All children are provided opportunities to actively be engaged in their learning and take part in hands on activities. We are always trying our best and we know that it is okay to make mistakes because they help us with our learning. 

Spring 1 Timetable

What are we learning in the Spring Term?


English: In Spring 1, the children will be looking at two books. The first book we will explore is 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We will develop our grammar skills by using statements when writing a narrative of the story. We will be focusing on the characters in the book to help write our final piece. 

The second book we will explore is 'Little People, Big Dreams: Amelia Earhart' We will be writing diary entries using past tense and focusing on the setting of the book. 


Maths: We are going to be looking at four topics this term. Starting with money, we will be able to start counting money in pence and pounds. By the end of the topic, the children should be able to confidently use money and help solve problems. We will then move onto the multiplication and division topic where the children will be able to group and share numbers. After, we will explore the length and height topic in which the children will be able to measure using rulers. The final topic is mass, capacity and temperature where we will be measuring in grams, kilograms, litres and millilitres. 


Science: We will be exploring everyday materials in the first half-term and animals including human in the second half-term. We will be testing different materials and finding materials that suit their uses the best. We will be also exploring that some solid objects can be stretched, twisted, bent or changed. For the topic animals including humans, we will be exploring animals life cycles and developing knowledge on the food plate.


Humanities: In History, we will be exploring life beyond living memory and looking at changes that has happened due to technology. We will be able to recognise that historical events has impacted our society. 


In Geography, we will be exploring our world using maps and identifying human and physical features of the UK. We will be collecting data from our local habitats and record findings. Bar charts will be used to help children to present their findings and data. 


Music: We are incredibly lucky to have a member of the team from the British Music Trust to teach our children. 


RE: In Spring term, we will be exploring important places. As a class we will explore the question "Why are some places so important?". We will focus on enhancing our discussion skills during these lessons and focusing on the importance of some places. 


PSHE: This term we will be exploring two important topics, 'Citizenship' and 'Economic Wellbeing'. The first topic, we will be exploring rules outside of the school and the important roles we have in our society. In the second topic, we will be developing our financial literacy including how we can be sensible with our money. 


PE Information


Year 2 has PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Please remember to come in PE kits.  Long hair must be tied back, earrings taped and any other additional jewellery removed to avoid accidents.



Homework will be sent out weekly on Friday and needs to be returned on the following Wednesday. Work will be sent home based on in class performances if necessary to support individual learning. Children will receive Maths and Spelling homework each week.


Reading - reading records will be checked every day. Books are being sent home with children. 


