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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 2

Welcome to
Year 2

Class teacher: Mrs M. Darby




About Year 2:

In Year 2, we celebrate every individual and provide a safe environment where everyone feels a sense of belonging. All children are provided opportunities to actively be engaged in their learning and take part in hands on activities. We are always trying our best and we know that it is okay to make mistakes because they help us with our learning. 

What are we learning in the Spring Term?


English: We will focus on writing a persuasive letter this term, based on our core text "The day the crayons quit" by Drew Daywalt. We will start by writing a cold task. We will develop our skills by using our toolkit to join our ideas and structure arguments. Working together to understand key features of the modelled text will help us to produce a final piece of writing that will show all of our progress. We are a Talk for Writing school! 


Maths: We will start the term off by learning about Money. We use White Rose Maths to learn how to recognise Pounds and Pence, how to compare amounts of money and how to find change. We will also focus on using our problem solving and reasoning skills. In the second half term, we will start the topic of Multiplication and Division, as we focus on learning the 2-, 5- and 10-times tables.


Science: We will be learning about Everyday Materials this term. We will start by recognising that objects are made from materials that suit their uses and move on to investigating the stretchiness of materials and comparing measurements. We will also be exploring eco-friendly materials and recognise the impact of some materials on our environment. To develop our working scientifically skills, we will be focussing on classifying and sorting objects and testing materials to find answers to key questions.


Humanities: In History this half term we will work on answering the enquiry question "How did we learn to fly?" We will find out about the first ever flight and the invention of aeroplanes, as well as find out about the lives of some significant historical individuals. 
In Geography, we will investigate the key question "Why is our world wonderful?". We will explore geographical features of the UK and locate some of the world's most amazing places. We will also learn to appreciate our local area and have an investigation on our school grounds.


Music: Our theme this term is "Animals". We will explore instruments and learn a West African call and response song. We go on a rhythmic safari and work on developing and performing our own compositions.  


RE: We will be discussing important places. As a class we will explore the question "Why are some places so important?". We will focus on enhancing our discussion skills during these lessons as well as focus on celebrating and respecting different beliefs.


PSHE: We will focus on Health and Wellbeing this term. We will look at how to deal with different emotions and discover the importance of being active. We will get to know some relaxation and breathing exercises and look at the value of a healthy diet.


PE Information


Year 2 has PE on Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to send your child to school in their PE kit so that you are ready for the lesson. Long hair must be tied back, earrings taped and any other additional jewellery removed to avoid accidents.


PE Kit: 


black tracksuit - plain (no brands showing, no stripes, no print)
black shadow stripe shorts
red round-neck t-shirt
black plimsolls or black trainers (no lights, no logos or prints) 

Nail varnish is not permitted
Plain studded earrings must be taped

long hair must be tied back


Homework will be sent out weekly on Friday and needs to be returned on the following Wednesday. Work will be sent home based on in class performances if necessary to support individual learning. Children will receive Maths, Spelling and SPAG homework each week.


Reading - the books go home on Fridays and must be handed back on Wednesdays. 

Your child will take a Reading for Pleasure book - please record any reading in our reading records. 



