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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Year 5

Welcome to Year 5! 

Class teacher: Mrs Jull

LSA's: Miss E. Simpson Mr B. Cooper


Who are we?


In the Year 5 class we provide many enriching and engaging experiences for all children. We ensure we have a mixture of practical and non- practical activities to ensure we meet all children needs. 


We use our growth mindset to retain a positive attitude to support us to feel happy, resilient and positive throughout our learning experience. We learn from our mistakes and try our best in all areas of the curriculum. 




What are we learning? 


This term is full of exciting and fun-packed learning! In Maths, we will start the term with multiplication and division, then fractions, moving onto decimals and percentages, then perimeter and area and finally statistics. In English, we have started a new writing piece. Our first writing piece will be a set of instructions. We will then move onto writing a suspense story, and a magazine article. Our two Guided Reading books we will be reading this term are Skellig, written by David Almond, and The Midnight Fox, written by Betsy Byars. We have made predictions on the first book and look forward to unravelling the story. This term in History, we are looking at Ancient Greece. We have some exciting science lessons linked to Earth and space this term. Finally, in Art, we will focus on architecture, where the children will sketch the school building and the Hell Fire Caves. 



Topic Web:


Homework will be sent out weekly on Friday and needs to be returned on the following Wednesday. Work will be sent home based on in class performances if necessary to support individual learning


Children will receive Maths, Spelling and SPAG homework each week.

Page last updated: 16/01/23
