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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Feedback Friday- Summer 1 2024

Feedback Friday

Summer 1


For convenience, we've grouped the feedback points together this time- we hope this makes it easier to address. Thank you for your feedback!



Year 2 Homework and Reading


Some queries on the homework expectations in Yeaer 2- these have been reset with the new homework packs. These go out on Monday and are due in on Monday.


Following a disruption to our routine, we're back to weekly books for Year 2. More on this in the SATs meeting on Tuesday next week.





A lot of praise for our SENDCo, Mrs Marsh, and the SEND provision throughout the school! There were multiple individual shout outs to teachers who have gone the extra mile to care for our neurodiverse children; these have been fed back to the staff. Thank you!



Homework expectations


We are reviewing this with staff as we are aware consistency is important. All children are expected to read daily and use Numbots/ Times Tables Rockstars 30 mins a week. 



Dogs entering the site


A gentle reminder- dogs are not allowed on the school site. Thank you for your cooperation with this.



Praise for the team!


We received lots of really kind feedback from our parents for the work the staff are doing to improve the school and make every day special for the children. This has all gone back to the staff and it will have made their day- thank you!

Page last updated: 15/05/24
