Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Class teacher: Miss A. Mahmood
About our class:
We are an amazing year group, full of ideas and creativity. We really strive towards independency. We know it is okay to make mistakes as this is how we will learn. We look forward to welcoming you into our class!
What are we learning?
This term is full of exciting and fun-packed learning! In Maths we will be starting the term off with a Multiplication and Division unit. In English we have started a new piece. Our new Reading book is, "Varjak Paw" written by S.F. Said. We have formed many predictions on the book and we are looking forward to unravelling the story. Our first writing piece for this term will be a non-chronological report. This term in Geography, we will be learning about the Amazon Rainforest. We are keen to share our work with you throughout the term, stay tuned!
PE information:
Our class P.E days are Tuesday and Friday. Children need to be in school on these days in their P.E kits. Long hair will need to be tied back and earrings must be removed on P.E days.
Homework information:
Homework will be set each week on a Friday and will need to be returned the following Wednesday. Homework given includes: Maths, Spellings and occasionally Times Tables. Half term projects will be given on a topic we are learning about and these will be presented to the class after half term.
Spring Timetable
Spring Topic Web
Our Class Photos:
Page last updated: 02/01/24