If you have any SEND questions or concerns, please contact Rebecca Marsh via or the School Office email address:
SEND Annual Information Report & SEND Policy
West Wycombe School is dedicated to delivering outstanding education, ensuring each child's reaches their full potential, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We acknowledge the unique needs, strengths, and talents of every child, and our curriculum is designed to be challenging, enjoyable, and enriched, allowing each student to progress at their own pace.
We are mindful that some students may require additional support during their learning journey. Our commitment is to create an inclusive environment where all children are equally valued. We actively work to eliminate any barriers to learning, fostering an atmosphere where every child has the chance to thrive and feel secure.
At West Wycombe School, we prioritise the holistic development of each child, recognising and celebrating the diverse abilities they bring to our learning community.
SEND Summary Information
Planned provision for children with disabilities and those with additional education needs is offered within the class structure itself. This provision is overseen by the Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo), Rebecca Marsh. Close liaison between the school and home is essential at all times.
We follow a graduated response when supporting SEND in school. Where children do not show progress through Quality First Teaching, staff may raise a 'Record of Concern' form. At this point, a member of the Pastoral Team would complete some further investigation and meet with the child to determine the best course of action. Parental engagement during this time is crucial and staff look in to what potential barriers are holding the child back. Through the graduated approach, some children, despite additional support, may be identified as needing to go on the SEND register. These children are named as 'SEN Support' and in partnership with their parents would receive a SEN Support Plan or Individual Classroom Strategy Plan.
The amount of support that would be offered to a child who is on SEND Support is dependent on the type of support that is deemed suitable in order to help your child progress. Up to 13.5 hours of additional support per week will be provided to a child who has a SEND Support plan but most children would not need this level of support. The type of support available depends on the needs of the child. Support is often given in the form of small group work, support within the classroom in lessons, differentiation in lessons and extra support in other sessions, for example for reading or booster work. If the child has specific targets which require more individual support, they may be given 1:1 support in order to achieve these targets.
Examples of provision on SEND support:
Changing the way lessons are planned and delivered
Matching activities to the ability / need of your child (differentiation)
Adapting learning materials such as worksheets, books and activities to suit your child’s needs
Use of resources to support learning
Small group support
The teacher will work in partnership with you and the SENDCO to find ways to support your child with their needs, including giving parents ideas on how they can help their child at home
Consideration of your views will be important in planning for your child’s education. School staff will set targets for your child which will be shared with you during a review meeting. This will be recorded on an SEND Support Plan.
If your child’s needs are very complex and/or severe the school may ask the Local Authority to conduct a Statutory Assessment. This is a very detailed assessment of your child’s needs. You, the school and any professionals involved with supporting your child will all be asked to provide written reports. The Local Authority (LA) will then decide at a panel meeting whether the reports indicate a requirement for a EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan). As a parent you also have the right to ask the Local Authority to carry out this assessment.
Further information on SEND can be found in both our SEND Policy Annual Information Report.