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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Information for September 2024- Return to school

Information for September 2024- Return to school


We are so excited about the next academic year; we have so much planned to ensure our wonderful school gets better and better and builds on the successes from 2023/24. We are thrilled you are with us on this journey and as always, we appreciate and value your support.



We have two INSET Days to start the Autumn Term- Tuesday 3rd September and Wednesday 4th September. On these days, school is closed for Staff Training. However, we are available for any last minute queries before school starts again. You can email Mr Tang on or Mrs Withey on


Return to school
All children from Reception to Year 6 return to school on Thursday 5th September.

All children enter via the front gate and go to class (Reception will be collected by the EYFS Team at the main gate). Children must be dropped off between 8.30- 8.45 am and need to be collected at 3:15pm. If you are late, you will need to enter the school via the main school office.  

Reception children
Reception children have a staggered start to ensure they have a smooth transition to BIG SCHOOL! The EYFS team will communicate information regarding this staggered start to you directly. Please find a summary of this below:


05.09.24: 9- 12.15 pm (no lunch)

06.09.24: 9- 12.15 pm (no lunch)

09.09.24: 8.30- 1.30 pm (with lunch)

10.09.24: 8.30- 1.30 pm (with lunch)

11.09.24: 8.30- 2.15 pm (with lunch)

12.09.24 onwards: 8.30- 3.15 pm (full days)


Your child will be on Arbor and AiP (school lunches) as of Tuesday 3rd September at the latest. You'll be able to use this INSET Day to book Clubs and lunches for Autumn 1.

Parent Forum- Please note the new date
All parents will be invited to our Parent Forum Evening on Wednesday 18th September at 7pm. This will give you an opportunity to:



- Meet Mr Tang, Headteacher, and hear about our goals for this year

- Meet Mrs Morgan, GLT CEO, and find out more about our Trust's Vision and Values

- Learn more about the important work our Friends of West Wycombe (FOWW) Team do (and how you can help)



Meet The Teacher Sessions

Following Parent Feedback, we're no longer hosting simultaneous meetings as this can make it difficult for parents to be in different meetings at the same time.


Instead, parents are invited to meet their child's Class Teacher one day after school in the week commencing Monday 9th September:


Tuesday 10th September: 3.15 pm- Year 1 and 2 (in their classrooms)

Wednesday 11th September: 2.30 pm- Reception

Thursday 12th September: 3.15 pm- Years 3 and 4 (in their classrooms)

Friday 13th September: 3.15 pm- Years 5 and 6 (in their classrooms)


Alll of the information discussed in these meetings will be made available on the year group Class Pages after the events.

Morning Club begins on the first day back- there are two options- 7.30- 8.30 for £4 (with breakfast) or 8- 8.30 for £2. The Teacher Run Clubs and Active Sports Clubs are being planned by teachers currently- they will be available in September. Further information will be shared nearer the time. 

After School Clubs will not begin until the week commencing Monday 9th September.

School Lunches
Our school meal provider is AiP. Please follow this link where you can create an account.


You can add children to an account if you already have one. Meals are free for all children from Reception to Year 2. You are also welcome to send in a healthy packed lunch if you prefer.


Pencil Cases

All children from Year 3- 6 are allowed to bring in a pencil case, though this is not mandatory. Recommended items for your child's pencil case are: pencils, a black pen, colouring pencils, a rubber, a sharpener and a small ruler. 


School Uniform

All children must wear appropriate school uniform- details can be found here.


Children must also wear school PE kit including black shorts/skirts and trainers. For more information on jewellery, etc. please visit the uniform tab under our parents section on the website.


If you require help with school uniform, please speak to the school. We have an abundance of second hand uniform at reduced prices. Alternatively, our school online shop can be found in the parents tab, uniform section of the website. 

PE Days
Children are in full school uniform on normal days and PE kits on their PE days. Please ensure children are wearing West Wycombe School PE kit only. 


PE days for September 2024 are as follows: 



Reception- TBC 

Year 1- Mondays and Wednesdays

Year 2- Wednesdays and Thursdays

Year 3- Thursdays and Fridays

Year 4- Tuesdays and Fridays

Year 5- Tuesdays and Fridays

Year 6- Mondays and Fridays



Swimming- Year 4

Year 4 will have swimming in the Autumn Term on Fridays- they will need a swimming kit, swimming cap and a towel. Swimming starts on Friday 4th October (this replaces PE on that day).

Secondary Transfer Test
The Year 6s will sit their Secondary Transfer Tests (11+ tests) on the second full week back.

- Tuesday 10th September- Practice Tests
- Thursday 12th September- Main Tests

Year 6 children will sit these tests in their classroom in a calm environment. Children are automatically entered into these tests; however, parents can email us if they would like their child to not sit these tests.

Reception to Year 1- transition

The new Year 1 class will have a period of time transitioning from Continuous Provision to formal learning in the Autumn Term. Parents can help with this over the Summer break by reading with them every day and giving them practice at sitting at a desk and writing or drawing. They could start a holiday diary or practise writing/mark making. They can also practise their fine motor skills by cutting, sticking, weaving, cooking, drawing, playing with lego, making things and writing. However, please don't worry if they spend more time resting and spending time with friends and family!


Term Dates
See our website for the Term Dates for the new Academic Year. We'd recommend noting the INSET Days especially. Please note on the last day of each term, we finish at 1.45 pm. Further diary dates will be available on our website when we return to school. 


If there's something we have forgotten or you have an urgent issue, you can email the office on or call us on 01494 523318.



Frequently Asked Questions 

Please email Mr Tang using if you have any questions we can answer here- thank you!


Do children bring in PE kit?

No- children wear PE kit to and from school. It maximises PE time and saves on having to have everything ready. 


What days will my child have PE? 

Please see above for the days detailed.


Who wears ties?

All children in Years 1- 6 wear the school tie. Years 1- 3 can wear an elasticated tie if that helps! The Autumn Uniform starts when we return in September. Click here to view more on this.


Do Reception - Year 2 children need a pencil case?

No- we'll supply everything for them. Years 3- 6 are allowed pencil cases but it's not mandatory- we can supply stationery.


Do children need book bags?

Yes please, but they do not need to be the West Wycombe branded bags.


When will I meet the teachers?

In September we will host a Meet The Teacher evening at 5 pm in the Hall on Wednesday 11th September.


What homework will my child have? 

Each child in Y1-Y6 will receive weekly homework consisting of...

- Daily reading for at least 10 minutes a day. Please record this in the reading record as these are checked daily. 

- Weekly maths fluency work. 

- Weekly spellings. 

Further detail will be provided at the meet the teacher events in September. 


What do I do if my child is anxious about the new year? 

This is perfectly natural as the transition from the long break back to school can be overwhelming. We recommend modelling excitement for the new term, a strong focus on all the positives and have long chats on everything they are thinking about. Click here for tips on how to manage this transition:

Page last updated:  19/08/24
