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West Wycombe School

An Academy of the Great Learners Trust


Remote Learning

Thursday 23.03.22


The plan for the day:


10- 11: Maths (the Zoom link will be on Class Dojo)

L.O. Interpreting Bar Charts


1- 2: English (the Zoom link will be on Class Dojo)

L.O. Write a persuasive letter


You also have a Book Review to do:

If you'd like to draw a Book Cover for your book, I'd love to see it!


Please send all work to

Year 2 Maths 24.03.22

Year 2 English 24.03.22

Friday 25.03.22


The plan for the day:


10- 11: Maths (the Zoom link will be on Class Dojo)

L.O. Drawing Bar Charts


1- 2: English (the Zoom link will be on Class Dojo)

L.O. Use inverted commas


Please send all work to


Mrs Charts will upload a Topic lesson too- have a look on Dojo.

Year 2 Maths 25.03.22

Year 2 English 25.03.22
